Call for papers AIDA 12th Conference


AIDA 12th Conference

 2cd CALL: Definitive Dates and Place


Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to inform you that  the 12th International Conference on Arabic Dialectology AIDA will take place  from

May 30-31 June 1-2 2017


Aix-Marseille University, Campus Saint Charles,

3 place Victor Hugo 13001, Marseille


Location and Accommodation:  Saint Charles Campus is very convenient because it’s in Central Marseille and 3mm from Marseille Central Railways and Bus Station. There is a large choice of hotels with an easy access to the Conference venue. We will provide you with a list of hotels recommended by the University but feel free to make your own choice, (see

Topics covered by the Conference:   (1) Linguistic and typological description of Arabic vernaculars (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, grammaticalisation processes ; (2) Historical dialectology/ Classification/Atlas/;  (3) Arabic contact languages (lingua-franca, Arabic P/C, code-switching, etc.) (4) Dialect contact and change (processes of accommodation, variation, etc.); (5) Literacy and cultural creation in Arabic Vernaculars.

Languages of the Conference: Arabic, French, English.

Inscription Fees: The fees include conference booklet, coffee breaks and lunch buffet x 4 days. Participants €100 / Students without Institutional Support €50/ People Attending without presenting a paper €70. Due to French University regulations, inscription fees will have to be paid online. We will send you additional information after acceptance of the papers. 

–+  AIDA membership fee: €30.

 Funding for young scholars. 10 young scholars, upon selection by the Executive Board of AIDA, will be offered financial support by AIDA (amounting to a maximum of 200 € per person) to cover the travel expenses / conference fees. Young scholars who are interested in applying for the conference participation grant (travel and/or conference fee support) should submit their applications after their papers will be accepted via e-mail to the Executive Board of AIDA (further information will be send after the acceptance of papers, during December 2016).

Abstracts: Deadline for submission of the abstracts is October 30th, 2016. Selection and acceptation of the papers will be communicated by November 30th. Abstracts must be sent by e-mail (including author’s name, complete affiliation and position) – as both .doc /.docx and .pdf documents to If the paper has more than one author, when sending the abstract, please include the names of all the authors, their complete affiliations and positions. Papers must present original and innovative research. The text - not exceeding 300 words – should clearly highlight the results of the research to be presented in the paper and their context. The abstracts of the accepted communications will be published in the abstract booklet of the conference.

Organisation of the Conference. As usual AIDA 12 will start with a general morning session on the 1st day followed by parallel working sessions. (3 // working sessions of 4 papers, 20mn presentation + 10mn discussion for each paper).  The General Meeting of the Association will take place on the 4th day of the Conference. Optional Gala dinner + visit of the city (MUCEM & Co) will be proposed during the Conference.

Organising Committee: Jairo Guerrero (IREMAM, Aix Marseille Univ), Catherine Miller (IREMAM- Aix Marseille Univ), Christophe PEREIRA (LACNAD, INALCO, Paris); Alexandrine Barontini (LACNAD-INALCO, Paris), Marie Aimée Germanos (CERMOM, INALCO, Paris).

Scientific Committee: Aziza  Boucherit,  (Univ Paris-Descartes) ; Kristen Brustad (University of Texas at Austin, USA); Dominique Caubet, (INALCO, Paris, France); George Grigore (University of Bucharest, Roumanie); Jérôme Lentin (INALCO, Paris); Veronika Ritt-Benmimoun (University of Vienna, Austria); Catherine Taine Cheikh, (LACITO, Paris, France) ; Angeles Vicente (University of Saragoza, Spain) ; Karima Ziamari (Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco) ; Liesbeth Zack (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands).


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